Agronomic science foundation
Make a difference in the future of agronomy, crop, and soil science!
Our Mission
Provide leadership and financial resources to further the role of the agronomic, crop, and soil sciences in global crop production, and to promote human welfare within a sustainable environment.
About ASF
The Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) has been a non-profit 501 c(3) organization since 1968 and during this time it has accomplished many goals. The numerous and generous contributions from donors have been used to fund student programs, scholarships, lectureships, conferences, awards, international travel, and other programs not covered by Society membership dues. As a donor, you can take pride in the fact that your gift—no matter what size you are able to give—will have a significant impact on the future of agronomy, crop and soil science.
ASF makes your contribution go further! Since it is supported by the American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) there is little to no overhead, so your donation goes to directly support our programs.
The ASF Board of Trustees serves as the governing body for the Foundation and maintains an active role in soliciting funds for the Foundation and support of ASA, CSSA, and SSSA activities, programs and projects. They consider suggestions of activities, programs, and projects worthy of support by the Foundation. Such suggestions may come from ASF Board members, from any officer or member of ASA, CSSA, or SSSA, or from others having a mutual interest in the objectives of the Foundation.
The Agronomic Science Foundation raises, invests and distributes funds for the benefit of our members, students, and future contributors to our scientific community!
For more information on ASF or your giving options, please contact Susan Dearing-Bond, CFRE: Send Message
You may also contact any member of the ASF Board of Trustees.
Our financials are listed here for the use of ASA, CSSA, and SSSA members.
Make an online donation
Contribute to ASF in any amount you can; your gift WILL always make a positive impact! Your passionate support will help change the lives of our students, our community, and the future of our sciences.
Join the organizations that we serve
ASF funds directly support ASA, CSSA, SSSA, and the Certified Crop Adviser program. By joining, you can take an active part in helping farmers and advancing the future of agronomic, crop, soil, and environmental science.
- Keep current with journal access, member news, meeting discounts, and exclusive learning opportunities.
- Grow your career through leadership, professional development, and networking.
- Assure professional standards and ethics through certification.
- Enjoy initial benefits through trial membership.
*Note that trial membership does not include certain privileges like voting rights or eligibility for most awards and scholarships.