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Educational Resources

Online classroom

Online classroom

Over 300 free and paid courses for certified professionals and other interested groups. Available as standalone items or via our subscription service.



Live webinars feature subject matter experts in agriculture, crops, and soils to share practical and scientific information.


Field Lab Earth podcast logo

Podcasts Field, Lab, Earth and the Decode 6 podcast offer conversations highlighting recent journal articles and topics related to the carbon market.

Wiley online library

Wiley online library

Thousands of journal and magazine articles and hundreds of books, many available for free under Open Access licenses.


resources Decode 6

A free online resource packed with content about soil carbon markets, ecosystem services, and sustainable agriculture.

Crops & Soils

Crops & Soils

The magazine for Certified Crop Advisers, agronomists, and soil scientists focusing on solutions to the daily challenges facing those working in the field. Features self-study CEU articles and quizzes.

Foundations of Applied Agronomy

Foundations of Applied Agronomy

A self-paced, online agronomy training program to prepare learners for the International Certified Crop Adviser Exam and build expertise in production agriculture, consulting, business, and conservation

Soils glossary

Soils glossary

A glossary of soil terms, including a term of the week.

Expand your career opportunities with the Societies Career Center,

  • Find jobs specific to agronomy, crop, soil, and environmental science
  • Sign up for custom job alerts
  • Connect with career and resume coaches
  • Post jobs to reach our network of job seekers
  • Take advantage of an exclusive 10% member discount on job posts
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Certification programs

ASA Certified Crop Adviser logo

The Certified Crop Adviser and Certified Professional Agronomist programs of the American Society of Agronomy are the benchmarks of professionalism.

SSSA Certified Professional Soil Scientist

The SSSA certification programs, Certified Professional Soil Scientist and Associate Professional Soil Scientist, set standards for knowledge, skills, and conduct that define the professions of soil science and soil classification.

Collaborate with us

Some of the best intuitive leaps arise through teamwork. With this in mind, we seek your input! Collaborations on webinars, grant proposals, and other projects are free-of-charge for members and may be recognized as professional service.

Looking to communicate your science and professional endeavors? Let us help you plan a webinar! Webinars are a great way to share ideas and timely data. Topics should be of value to certified professionals and other leaders in the discipline. Self-nominations are welcome and encouraged! The format could be a 45-min presentation with Q&A, or it could be a panel discussion of two to four people. Bring your ideas!

  • Live webinars are typically one hour in duration, and the broadcast is recorded for greater reach.
  • Attendance at live webinars ranges from several hundred to several thousand attendees, from 90+ countries.
  • Our team will assist with topic identification, the technical details, webinar delivery, and post-event analytics.

We also invite your ideas on content to serve certified professionals, growers, students, and the public.

For example:


Quality assurance

Our goal is to bring you the best. We provide education content that is current, accurate, inclusive, and backed by scientific evidence. Information presented through ASA, CSSA, and SSSA education offerings is principally designed to help agronomists, soils consultants, conservationists, agribusiness professionals, and similar audiences maintain their professional competence and technical expertise. Individuals utilizing content information to help make business decisions or professional recommendations should also consult original scientific research and other reputable information sources pertinent to the topic.

Content undergoes a process of quality assurance to promote timely, high-quality, and accurate scientific information.

  • Speakers agree to present content that is science-based and unbiased.
  • Speakers agree to be forward-looking, positive, and inclusive in content delivery.
  • Materials are extensively reviewed by ASA, CSSA, and SSSA prior to any presentation.
  • ASA, CSSA, and SSSA will host practice sessions with speakers prior to any presentation.

Sponsorship of content is sought for the sole purpose of offering quality content free-of-charge for all attendees. Sponsorship of content does not imply endorsement of a sponsor’s views, products, technologies, and/or procedures by the content provider.
