Women's History Month
Celebrate Women in Science!
We are proud to honor the women who serve in our societies and are leaders in science and research. As a professional organization serving our members, it is our responsibility to make sure the next generation of women is educated and empowered. Whether it is running for a society-elected position, leaving behind a legacy for future women through a donation to the Agronomic Science Foundation, contributing to a journal, or showing casing your science through a podcast interview— there are many ways to build and grow the list of achievements made by women in our sciences.
Member Spotlights
Check out what some of our members have been up to and what Women's History Month means to them.
Decode 6
- Dr. Cristine Morgan: How do you measure soil health at scale?
Field, Lab Earth
- Dr. Alexandria Kuhl: Modeling Water Use in Biofuel Crops
- Dr. Bo Zhang: Improving Edamame
- Dr. Cynthia Rosenzweig: Modeling for Climate Change
- Dr. Sarah Lovell: Multifunctional Agroforestry
- Dr. Erin Silva: Nutrient Cycling in Organic Systems
- Dr. Carrie Laboski: Profitable Nitrogen Rates for Corn
- Dr. Yingxue Yu: Microplastic Movement through the Soil
- Dr. Rebecca Nelson: The Circular Bionutrient Economy
- Heather Hampton+Knodle: Bridging the Farm to Research Gap
Collection of Society Award Winners
CSA News Articles
- Dr. Cynthia Rosenzweig Awarded 2022 World Food Prize
- Inspirational and Collaborative: Looking Back on the Life of Betty Klepper
- Longtime USDA Plant Physiologist Leaves Estate to Agronomic Science Foundation
- Female Researchers: The Forages of Agronomy
- Work–Life Balance: Finding Strategies to Manage It All
- Key to Diversity in Agriculture May Be the Job Advertisement
- Perspectives on Leadership Development for Women as Change Agents
- Impact of Women Farmers: Recognized by ASA Presidential Award
- Meet Sally Flis, the New Vice-Chair of the North American CCA Board
- Meet Traci Bultemeier, the New Vice-Chair the North American CCA Board
- Research, Pageants, and Ag-Vocacy: A Conversation with Hallie Wright
- Blazing a Trail, Building a Legacy: The Extraordinary Life of Rosalind Morris