Want to help shape ASA programming at CANVAS?

Have you ever said to yourself, “If I could change one or two things at the ASA Annual Meeting (now known as CANVAS), they would be…?” Well, this is your chance! The American Society of Agronomy (ASA) is now accepting nominations for ASA Program Planning Officer.
What does the ASA Program Planning Officer do?
This is your chance to let your creative juices flow! You will lead the Society’s efforts in all phases of CANVAS activities for the next three years. This is a great way to offer new ideas not only to ASA, but to committee members from the other Societies as well. What changes would improve the CANVAS experience? What is it that really needs attention in your eyes? This is your chance to help make a difference in shaping CANVAS.
What is the term?
The term of the appointment is Jan. 1, 2026 to Dec. 31, 2028 with the ASA Program Planning Officer serving as chair of the ACS732 Annual Meeting Planning Committee in 2028. This committee includes the two other Society program planning officers, three Society program chairs, the DEI program planning committee member, the chief executive officer, and the director of meetings and conventions.
What are the job requirements?
If you are a member of ASA and are forward thinking, creative, willing to take risks, a dreamer, a high-energy person, and a visionary, then you have the right qualifications. You’ll get together throughout the year on Zoom calls to help plan CANVAS activities and will be integral to the program finalizing process held late summer. The Society pays your registration, housing, and travel expenses for attending CANVAS.
To be considered for the position of ASA Program Planning Officer, please email a letter of interest by June 30, 2025 to Peter Kyveryga, ASA President, at Send Message.

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