Member Spotlight: Kristen Veum, Research Soil Scientist and ASA President-Elect
What project are you currently working on that excites you the most?
The project that excites me the most is a team effort to model soil health at the continental scale. We are building a framework to provide producers across the country with a science-based tool to help them understand soil health on their land and understand how their management choices impact their soil.
What is the best piece of career advice you’ve received?
Don’t take criticism personally and don’t be afraid to offer criticism. This is how we become better scientists and how science moves forward. This is a tough one and I have to remind myself of this sometimes.

Do you have a mentor that has helped you in your professional career? How have they helped you?
Several mentors have helped me in my career along the way, including advisors, supervisors, and colleagues. It would be a very long list. But the person that has helped me the most in my career is Jill Souliere Staples (Soil Scientist, ARS). She manages my lab like a rock star, and her dedicated and unwavering support has made it possible for me to succeed as a research scientist.
As a woman, what is a challenge/obstacle you have faced in your career?
As a woman, I’ve encountered a wide range of gender-based obstacles, challenges, and downright awkward situations in the last 30+ years. But right now, I think one of the primary challenges for women is the slow progress in gender-based societal expectations, including the people that love us the most: family. Women are still under a lot of pressure from several different directions outside the workplace, and this can have a dramatic impact on their capacity to succeed in a career that demands a lot.
What does Women’s History Month mean to you? How does it fall into the context of your industry?
Women’s History Month is a reminder to me that women’s rights, and human rights in general, are fragile and should not be taken for granted. Despite the challenges that I have faced, I’m unbelievably lucky to have had access to education, resources, and support throughout my life. I want that to be true for all people and for generations to come.