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ACS - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Committee (ACS528)

2019 Annual Report

2019 Annual Report

ACS Diversity in Agronomy, Crops, Soils, and Environmental Sciences Committee

In 2019, the Diversity Committee efforts included the following:

  1. Special Session, ACS Annual Meetings. On November 11, the Diversity Committee held a luncheon session in San Antonio. The purpose of this session, “Diversity in ACS: What Gains Have We Made? What is the Outlook for the Future?” was to highlight ongoing efforts in diversity in ACS; to bring like-minded individuals into the same room for a frank conversation on diversity; and to hear the thoughts/voices of diversity leaders. Registration costs for the luncheon were kept very low ($15 for students; $25 for regular attendees) due to support received from the Agronomic Science Foundation.


  1. Speakers included: 1) Keisha Tatem, State of Arizona Conservationist, NRCS; 2) Maria Gutierrez, Latinos in Agriculture; 3) Christopher Ryan, City University of New York (and representative of LBGTQ+ community); and 4) Khusi Tiwari, Bayer Sciences. The session was moderated by committee member Lisa Durso (USDA-ARS).
  2. Approximately 75 registrants attended the luncheon. Conversation highlighted efforts needed to support diversity in ACS, and in the agronomic sciences in general. Following the luncheon, 18 audience members submitted their names/contact information for communication on further diversity efforts.
  3. Because the organization of the luncheon was time-consuming, the committee decided not to pursue the Gateway Scholars Program at the 2019 Annual Meetings. The Gateway Scholars will commence at the 2020 Phoenix Meeting.
  4. There is strong support for continuation of this luncheon as an annual event. This will be discussed by the committee members early in 2020.
  5. Organization of the luncheon was led by Committee Chair Jean McLain, and was greatly facilitated by committee members Hero Gollany and Lisa Durso. Also integral to the success of the luncheon were ACS representatives Rebecca Polk and Susan Chapman.


  1. Diversity Poster Contest, ACS Annual Meetings. At the 2019 Annual Meeting, the Diversity Poster Contest was expanded to include undergraduate posters; traditionally, the contest has only been open to graduate students. Judges, comprised mainly of committee members – but also including additional volunteers – evaluated 8 poster submissions for prizes of $300 (first); $250 (second); and $200 (third).


  1. Results of the contest were: First place: Xinyi Tu, Michigan State University; Second place: Blessing Magonziwa, Colorado State University; Third place: Andressa Frietas, University of Florida.
  2. Committee members Hero Gollany and Lisa Durso are to be commended for their organization of the Poster Contest. Hero and Lisa were responsible for identification and management of the poster judges and all communication with poster presenters.
  3. Discussion on how to increase participation in the poster contest occurred during a November committee conference call. The possibility of a checkbox on the abstract submission site was discussed; this will undergo further examination next year. Committee members also intend to create a flyer for distribution by all Division Chairs in the late spring.


  1. Future Leadership of the ACS Diversity Committee is as follows:
    1. Chair, 2020: Hero Gollany, USDA-ARS
    2. Chair, 2021, Vice-Chair 2020: Augustine Obour, Kansas State University
    3. Chair, 2022, Vice-Chair 2021: Lisa Durso, USDA-ARS






Items Requiring Board Attention:

Members of the Committee:

Jean McLain (Chair)
Candiss Williams (Past Chair)
Lisa Durso (Member-ASA)
Hero Gollany (Member-ASA)
Jean McLain (Member-ASA)
Natasha Rayne (Member-ASA)
Matthew Bright (Member-CSSA)
Augustine Obour (Member-CSSA)
Khusi Tiwari (Member-CSSA)
Christine Sprunger (Member-SSSA)
Susan Chapman (Staff Liaison)
Rachel Schutte (Staff Liaison)

Prepared By:

McLain, Jean E.