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A farmer walking through a green field with a herd of cows

Science Policy Issues

The ASA, CSSA, SSSA Science Policy Office focuses on federal issues related to food, agriculture, and natural resources research. Agronomy, crop, and soil sciences hold the key to meeting some of the greatest challenges facing our nation and the world: food safety and security, natural resource management, energy production, and climate resiliency. Learn more below about how ASA, CSSA, and SSSA are engaging with policymakers to advance science.


Research Funding

  • Federal funding is the foundation of the U.S. research enterprise.
  • Federal research funding is allocated by Congress through the annual budget process.
  • The Science Policy Office advocates for food, agriculture, and natural resources research on behalf of ASA, CSSA, and SSSA members.

Farm Bill

  • The farm bill is major vehicle for making changes to and setting priorities for USDA research programs. 
  • The House and Senate Agriculture Committees have the primary job of assessing and renewing the farm bill every five years.
  • Based on input from ASA, CSSA, and SSSA members, the Science Policy Office engages with the broader agriculture community and Congress to improve USDA research programs through the farm bill.

Climate Change

  • Climate change is one of the most pressing and complicated challenges facing humanity.
  • Agriculture and natural resources play a critical role in both the adaptation and mitigation of climate change.
  • See how ASA, CSSA, and SSSA are working with policymakers to ensure science informs climate change solutions.

Policy Statements

  • Policymakers rely on input from stakeholders when developing their priorities.
  • ASA, CSSA, and SSSA regularly send letters to Congress, the administration, and federal agencies on a variety of science and research issues.
  • ASA, CSSA, and SSSA also sign-on to coalition letters to show broad consensus on an issue and to demonstrate the influence scientists have when they speak out with a unified voice.

Federal Agencies

  • Federally funded research is administered by nearly a dozen different federal agencies.
  • The Science Policy Office regularly meets with the leaders and program managers of federal research agencies.
  • These connections provide Society members with the latest news about funding opportunities, programmatic changes, and staffing updates.