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Climate Change

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA members are uniquely positioned at the interface of climate, agriculture, and the environment. By sharing our expertise and experience on these issues with policymakers, our Societies can more effectively influence climate-smart policies.

Climate Change Solutions Statement

In the spring of 2021, two members of each Society and one Certified Crop Adviser were selected to serve as members of the Societies’ Climate Task Force. The Task Force and Science Policy Office staff worked to develop a climate solutions statement that would reflect the Societies’ goals, recognize members’ scientific contributions, and acknowledge the unique perspectives of certified professional advisers. 

Approved by all three Society Boards of Directors in July, the Advancing Resilient Agriculture: Recommendations to Address Climate Change statement is the result of the dedicated work of the Climate Task Force members along with input and review by the ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Science Policy Committees. The statement outlines concrete actions policymakers can take right now to help U.S. agriculture mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects.

The statement provides recommendations under seven categories: agricultural practices, data, research, food system resilience, communication and outreach, diversity, and collaboration. The document emphasizes that while science provides proven strategies to bring balance and resilience to agricultural ecosystems, there is no single practice, no magic bullet, that applies to every farm. What is needed are collections of practices tailored for each region, climate, soil type, and farming system. 

  • Read this CSA News article for a overview of the process to develop the statement and summary of the key recommendations.

While this statement is an important step to make sure ASA, CSSA, and SSSA have a seat at the table in discussing climate-smart policies, it is by no means all encompassing. To facilitate continued dialogue, the Task Force and Science Policy Office would like to encourage all Society members to read the statement and share their reactions on the Grand Challenge Discussion Board thread.

Climate Task Force Members
David Baltensperger (ASA), Texas A&M
Betsy Bower (CCA), Ceres Solutions Cooperative
Jessica Chiartas (SSSA), UC Davis
David Clay (ASA), South Dakota State University
Charlie Messina (CSSA), Corteva
Diane Rowland (CSSA), University of Maine
Ole Wendroth (SSSA), University of Kentucky

Climate Change Survey

The Task Force also worked to develop a survey to gauge members’ and CCAs’ professional opinions on the effectiveness of certain agricultural strategies to adapt to and mitigate climate change.

All Society members and CCAs were encouraged to score the effectiveness of 11 climate-smart agricultural strategies, their confidence level in that score, the timeframe necessary for the strategy’s implementation, and whether the strategy helps with adaptation, mitigation, both, or neither.

The survey was completed on May 28, 2021. Nearly 700 Society members, CCAs, and other stakeholders submitted responses to the survey. Some of the key findings from the survey are summarized in this one-pager on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Survey Team
Sylvie Brouder, Purdue University
Ken Cassman, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 
Jessica Chiartas, UC Davis
Jeff Volenec, Purdue University